What we do?

As an international platform of youth climate organisations across the world, we connect these organisations (‘our partners’) to facilitate in regards to knowledge exchange, capacity building, advocacy opportunities and joint efforts at climate focussed conferences on the international level.

In 2022, we launched the Global Youth Climate Agenda as a consolidation of viewpoints from our partners. Each year, we support our partners in the run-up to and whilst UNFCCC COPs to strengthen their work.

Why we do it?

  • Advocacy

    Advocacy for the inclusion of young voices in (inter)national climate policy making, through the development of National Youth Climate Agendas (or ‘NYCAs’) and by facilitating a ‘seat at the table’ for our partners

  • Public Relations

    Generate publicity for the work of our partners in order to showcase the value of their work and foster youth participation globally.

  • Community Building

    We build communities amongst our partner youth organisations to encourage knowledge-sharing and to support each other in increasing youth participation in the climate debate. Every month, WAT-GP organises a ‘Global Call’ for partner organisations to share knowledge and experiences.

How do we do this?

  • 1. Get In Contact

    We specifically look for youth climate organisations that have:

  • 2. Oganise a Youth Climate Dialogue

    A Climate Dialogue event for youth:

  • 3. Write the National Youth Climate Agenda

    A vision document outlining the consensus reached during the Youth Climate Dialogue.

  • 4. Time to lobby

    NYCA driven conversation with local, national and international policy makers.


    The yearly climate summit by the United Nations.